Located at the Daughters of the American Revolution's library in Washington, D.C., as part of a membership application, the following is the submitted transcription of Peter Dillon's Will.
Peter Dillon was the son of Daniel and Lydia Dillon. Peter was married to Elizabeth "Betty" Haworth, daughter of James Frederick Haworth and Sarah Wood.
Will of Peter Dillon, Sr. Will Book I. pp 22-23
Greene County, Tennessee Greenville
Written: 2-10-1829 Proven: 7-27-1829
Peter DILLON Sen'r, dec'd
Monday 27th July 1829. The execution of the last Will and Testament of Peter Dillon Sen'r, dec'd., was duly proven by the affirmation of David Stanfield and Aaron Hammer, subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded as follows:
"This is the last Will and Testament of me Peter Dillon Senior of the County of Green and State of Tennessee, being of sound disposing mind and memory and understanding, which Will I make as follows: Viz;
First I order and direct my Executors hereafter to be named, to pay and discharge all my just debts, funeral expences, and charges of proving and executing this my last Will out of my personal Estate.
I then give and devise unto my beloved wife Elizabeth during her natural life, my mansion house and garden with the privilege of the orchard for her use, also with the privilege of pasturage sufficient for her cows and calves, also the one half of my stock, also one half of my household & kitchen furniture & I further say whatever she may need more for her support is to be supplied by my three sons hereafter named.
I next give and devise to my two sons Garret and James, all my tract of Land lying on Sinking Creek, to be divided by a known line run by James Galbreath; said Garret to have and to hold that side he now lives on except seven acres on the chestnut ridge in the South East Corner of the said premises given and devised to my son Garret, which seven acres I give and bequeath unto my son James, with a road one rod wide through the premises devised to said Garret, which said road shall be where said Garret shall judge to be most convenient to himself, provided they the said Garret and James do furnish their Mother with two thirds of what she may need for support ever and above her dowerry as above inscribed.
I then give and devise unto my sons William and Peter the plantation and tract of land I now live on, containing two hundred and fifty four acres by estimation, be the same more or less to be divided in the following manner, Viz: beginning at a stake close on the south side of the branch at the foot of the nob and on the line of my twelve acre survey, four rods north twelve degrees east from a Spanish Oak the South east corner of my said twelve acre tract, running from said stake north fifty-nine degrees west sixteen poles to a rock, thence north twentyfour degrees West twenty eight poles to a stake, thence north fifty seven and a half degrees west twenty poles to a large Walnut tree, thence running a direct line to a stake on the line on the West end of my said lands, so as to make the division equal in acres or measurement, between my said sons.
I give and allow my son William to have half of the fruit of my Apple orchard for the term of twelve years, and that he shall have and hold the half on the North side.
Also all the land I held on the North side of the branch by a late Entry is to be equally divided between my two sons James and Peter, the balance of what I now hold of said Entry I devise to my son William, provided so William furnishes his mother one third of a support in manner as above stated for James and Garret.
I then give and bequeath unto my daughter Lydia this other half of my stock, household and kitchen furniture being an equal dividend with her mother, also free privilege of my mansion house and Orchard for her use during my Wife's natural life.
At the decease of my beloved wife, I will and allow of the personal estate she may have remaining, one bed and furniture to my son James, and the balance equally divided between my five daughters (Viz) Sarah, Phebe, Susanna, Jemima, & Elizabeth.
I then give also to my son Peter my waggon that's now in use on the plantation.
I then nominate, constitute, and appoint my two sons Garret & William Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other former Wills & Testaments at any time heretofore made by me. In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this tenth day of the second month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred twenty nine.
Signed, sealed, acknowledged & delivered ) his
in the presence of us, who have in the )
presence of each other signed our names ) Peter Dillon
as Witnesses the day and year above ) (Seal)
written. ) mark
David Stanfield, Aaron Hammer, Brittn Fler (?)
And thereupon came Garret Dillon & William Dillon the executors named in said Will and entered into bond with Peter Dillon their security in the sum of one thousand dollars, with condition as the law directs and the said Garret Dillon and William Dillon having taken an affirmation, will truly and legally to execute said Will, it is ordered that letters Testamentary issue to them accordingly.
Genealogical information on the members of my family tree. Surnames include Cleveland, Correll, Cully, Dawson, Dice, Dillon, Doumont, Edmundson, Gafvert, Graffius, Greenawalt, Grindstaff, Hardin, Harrison, Haworth, Holiday, Johnston, Moreland, Nelson, Pettit, Rinehart, Rodenberger, Ronning, Rudy, Scarborough, Shields, Spring, Stoner, Taylor, Trimble, Wood.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Amanuensis Monday - Will of Daniel Dillon, d. 1805
Located at the Daughters of the American Revolution's library in Washington, D.C., as part of a membership application, the following is the submitted transcription of Daniel Dillon's Will.
DDJ - Jan. 1966
Daniel Dillon b. 1713 Kilkenny, Ireland;
ca 1724 to Nantucket, Mass. - Penn.
- Fred. Co., Va. - Guilford Co., N.C.,
son of Luke & Susannah Garret Dillon
Will of Daniel Dillon, Guilford County, North Carolina
Recorded in Guilford Co., N.C. Cthse, Greensboro, N.C. Wills
File #0105, page 105 (or 115?)
Photocopy made from recorded Will, April 28, 1965, Office of Register of Deeds
Daniel Dillon
File #0105
This Twentieth day of the Eighth month in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and five I Daniel Dillon of New Garden in the County of Guilford and State of North Carolina being Sick and weak of body but of Sound and perfect mind and memory, Considering the mortality of my body and the uncertainty of our lives: do make and ordain this my last will and Testament as follows (Viz)
Item 1 ordain and desire that first of all my Just debts and funeral Charges be paid and fully satisfied by my Executors out of my movable Estate
Item I do give and devise and bequeath unto my youngest Son Isaac Dillon all the balance of the old Survey on the South Side of Reedy fork and Jesses line including the old meadow that is not conveyed to others & to him self his heirs and assigns forever
Item I do devise and ordain that my Executors when they think proper sell one tract of Land lying on the South Side of the Ridge on head of the branches above where Robert Blakley formerly lived which by deed may fully apear it being on the north side of Beaver Creek
Item I do give bequeath and devise unto my youngest Son Isaac aforementioned his heirs and assigns forever a piece or parcel of Land lying on the south side of Beaver Creek it being the south west corner of the old survey: beginning at Stuarts Corner in the greate Road runing thence southwardalong said Road to a Rock from thence to the old corner by the pond thence East along the old line to Stuarts corner on the Ridge thence with his line to the beginning of said Road
Item I do devise and appoint that my Executors shall when they think proper sell the old Mill seat with all the Land lying on the north side of the greate Road and west of Stuarts line it being the northwest Corner or west End of the old survey
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Grand daughters Sarah and Elizabeth Wallace ten dollars to be Equally divided between them for their own use forever
Item my will and desire is that all my movable or perishable Property be sold Collected and Equally divided amongst all my Children (namely) Martha Nathan William Peter Jessee Daniel Patience and Isaac Dillon. And likewise all cash in hand or to be obtained in Consiquence of bond Notes book accts & after debts & being paid as aforesaid
Item It is my will and I do hereby Constitute and apoint my two sons Nathan and Peter Dillon to be Executors of this my last will and Testament and now I do Ratify and Confirm this and no other to be my last Will and Testament Revoking and disannully all former Wills bequests and legises in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal - - - - Signed Sealed and pronounce in presence of
Silvanus Garner, Jonathan Hodgson &
William Bunch Daniel Dillon (Seal)
State of North Carolina)
Guilford County ) February Court 1806
The Execution of the within Will was proven in Open Court by the oath of William Bunch and Jonathan Hodgson two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded. Then Came in Nathan Dillon & Peter Dillon and qualified as Executors
Test John Hamilton Clk
Abstracts of two deeds showing part of settlement of the estate of Daniel Dillon (Will above)
Source: copied from Deed Book April 1965 by Dora D. Jones
Guilford Co. Cthse, Greensboro, N. C.
Deed Bk. 9, p. 56
1806- Dillon, Daniel (by exrs) (Nathan & Peter Dillon exrs)
to Jesse Standley deed 255
Nathan & Peter Dillon, exrs of Daniel Dillon dec'd all of Guilford Co., N. C. On waters of Beaver Creek, beginning at Jesse Dillions, etc. . . .
Nathan Dillon (Seal)
Peter Dillon "
Deed Bk. 9, p. 285
1807, Aug. 31. Dillon, Daniel (by exr) (Nathan Dillon exr)
to Robert McKnight deed $500.00 being on the North Buffalow Creek in Guilford Co., N.C. . . . . part of a tract granted by the Earl of Granville to Thos. Donnell . . at corner of McKnights
its: Peter Dillon Jonathan Dillon
Joel Sanders Nathan Dillon (Seal)
(Evidently Peter returned from Tenn. to help settle estate & had turned the last over to Nathan. Daniel had also recd grant from Earl of Granville & had disposed of at least part of it to son, Peter in 1787. From 1783 Peter had been back & forth from N.C. - Tenn. DDJ)
DDJ - Jan. 1966
Daniel Dillon b. 1713 Kilkenny, Ireland;
ca 1724 to Nantucket, Mass. - Penn.
- Fred. Co., Va. - Guilford Co., N.C.,
son of Luke & Susannah Garret Dillon
Will of Daniel Dillon, Guilford County, North Carolina
Recorded in Guilford Co., N.C. Cthse, Greensboro, N.C. Wills
File #0105, page 105 (or 115?)
Photocopy made from recorded Will, April 28, 1965, Office of Register of Deeds
Daniel Dillon
File #0105
This Twentieth day of the Eighth month in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and five I Daniel Dillon of New Garden in the County of Guilford and State of North Carolina being Sick and weak of body but of Sound and perfect mind and memory, Considering the mortality of my body and the uncertainty of our lives: do make and ordain this my last will and Testament as follows (Viz)
Item 1 ordain and desire that first of all my Just debts and funeral Charges be paid and fully satisfied by my Executors out of my movable Estate
Item I do give and devise and bequeath unto my youngest Son Isaac Dillon all the balance of the old Survey on the South Side of Reedy fork and Jesses line including the old meadow that is not conveyed to others & to him self his heirs and assigns forever
Item I do devise and ordain that my Executors when they think proper sell one tract of Land lying on the South Side of the Ridge on head of the branches above where Robert Blakley formerly lived which by deed may fully apear it being on the north side of Beaver Creek
Item I do give bequeath and devise unto my youngest Son Isaac aforementioned his heirs and assigns forever a piece or parcel of Land lying on the south side of Beaver Creek it being the south west corner of the old survey: beginning at Stuarts Corner in the greate Road runing thence southwardalong said Road to a Rock from thence to the old corner by the pond thence East along the old line to Stuarts corner on the Ridge thence with his line to the beginning of said Road
Item I do devise and appoint that my Executors shall when they think proper sell the old Mill seat with all the Land lying on the north side of the greate Road and west of Stuarts line it being the northwest Corner or west End of the old survey
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Grand daughters Sarah and Elizabeth Wallace ten dollars to be Equally divided between them for their own use forever
Item my will and desire is that all my movable or perishable Property be sold Collected and Equally divided amongst all my Children (namely) Martha Nathan William Peter Jessee Daniel Patience and Isaac Dillon. And likewise all cash in hand or to be obtained in Consiquence of bond Notes book accts & after debts & being paid as aforesaid
Item It is my will and I do hereby Constitute and apoint my two sons Nathan and Peter Dillon to be Executors of this my last will and Testament and now I do Ratify and Confirm this and no other to be my last Will and Testament Revoking and disannully all former Wills bequests and legises in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal - - - - Signed Sealed and pronounce in presence of
Silvanus Garner, Jonathan Hodgson &
William Bunch Daniel Dillon (Seal)
State of North Carolina)
Guilford County ) February Court 1806
The Execution of the within Will was proven in Open Court by the oath of William Bunch and Jonathan Hodgson two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded. Then Came in Nathan Dillon & Peter Dillon and qualified as Executors
Test John Hamilton Clk
Abstracts of two deeds showing part of settlement of the estate of Daniel Dillon (Will above)
Source: copied from Deed Book April 1965 by Dora D. Jones
Guilford Co. Cthse, Greensboro, N. C.
Deed Bk. 9, p. 56
1806- Dillon, Daniel (by exrs) (Nathan & Peter Dillon exrs)
to Jesse Standley deed 255
Nathan & Peter Dillon, exrs of Daniel Dillon dec'd all of Guilford Co., N. C. On waters of Beaver Creek, beginning at Jesse Dillions, etc. . . .
Nathan Dillon (Seal)
Peter Dillon "
Deed Bk. 9, p. 285
1807, Aug. 31. Dillon, Daniel (by exr) (Nathan Dillon exr)
to Robert McKnight deed $500.00 being on the North Buffalow Creek in Guilford Co., N.C. . . . . part of a tract granted by the Earl of Granville to Thos. Donnell . . at corner of McKnights
its: Peter Dillon Jonathan Dillon
Joel Sanders Nathan Dillon (Seal)
(Evidently Peter returned from Tenn. to help settle estate & had turned the last over to Nathan. Daniel had also recd grant from Earl of Granville & had disposed of at least part of it to son, Peter in 1787. From 1783 Peter had been back & forth from N.C. - Tenn. DDJ)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Sunday's Obituary - Julia Ann (Cully) Dillon
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News-Gazette Champaign, Illinois Feb. 19, 1920, page 9 [Source: Urbanna Free Library, Urbanna, Illinois] |
Mrs. Julia A. Dillon, 80 years of age, died at 9 o'clock Wednesday night at 203 West Church street, where she had made her home for nearly three years with her daughter, Mrs. Ella Thompson. She was born Nov. 17, 1839 at Montezuma, Ind., and most of her life was spent near Scotland Edgar county. She leaves four sons Dr. A.L. Dillon, Dr. F.A. Dillon, and F.B. Dillon, all of Clovia, N.M., and Dr. C.C. Dillon of Sidell, and three daughters, Mrs. Ella Thompson, Mrs. Jennie D. Scott, Danville, and Mrs. Edna Inskip, Wallace, Idaho. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Josie Potts, Newport, Ind., and Mrs. Samantha Martin, Walnut Hill, Ill. The body will be taken to Scotland and services will be held there at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon in the M. E. church in that village. Burial will be in Wesley chapel cemetery near Scotland.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Daniel Dillon - Patriot of the American Revolution
Daniel Dillon, son of Luke Dillon and Susannah Garrett, was born 4 August 1713. Some records say that Daniel was born at sea while his parents were emigrating from Ireland and others suggest either New England or Pennsylvania as his birth location. He married Lydia whose name was either Wright or Hodgsdon. Daniel migrated from Pennsylvania to Virginia then to North Carolina.
Daniel, a Quaker, contributed financially to the American Revolution and is considered a Patriot whose descendants are eligible for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution.
While visiting the DAR's library and computer center in Washington, D.C., I printed these scanned vouchers from a DAR membership application.
Daniel, a Quaker, contributed financially to the American Revolution and is considered a Patriot whose descendants are eligible for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution.
While visiting the DAR's library and computer center in Washington, D.C., I printed these scanned vouchers from a DAR membership application.
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State of North Carolina N2530 Salisbury District This is to certify that Daniel Dillon ____ allowed Seven Pounds Eigteen Shillings 4th day of September ____ |
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Reverse side D. Dillon 1786 |
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Reverse side Daniel Dillon 17-18- |
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